Statuette from the 1950s (plastic material),
robotized objects (Eubis birds), lit cube (acrylic glass)
Ludmila Belova – installation author
Alexey Grachev – concept and development of robotized objects (Eubis birds)
Digital world is everywhere now: we are surrounded by innumerable gadgets, robots, computers. When we go on the internet, we accept existence of another virtual world, where – unlike the real one – everything is splendid. There is no time there: it can be stopped by pressing «pause» button. In that world we stay forever young, one can be easily transformed into a hero or a criminal, there is no day or night, no gravitation. Digital world is benevolent, always ready to help, show the way, find the medicine, feed, console and entertain. It is a new pastoral, counterposed to harsh reality. The main image of pastoral – sunny summer day – is transformed here into a blue light of computer screen, that allures us into the virtual reality with its original pastoral eternity.
The installation “Digit on a Stroll” is a reflection on smooth merging of world of humans and world of numeric.
The installation protagonist is the girl Digit. This is a figurine from the 1950s who acquired a selfie stick in her hands. She is strolling about and making selfies with birds-insects- robots.