Interactive video installation

Programmimg by Sergey Komarov

On the wall is projected video, presenting an earth and is filming from the air. One can see the different climatic zones; forests, fields, towns, villages. Above the earth’s landscape an object resembling a ziggurat in its design slowly floats. In its surface as a mirror reflects the land.

The work is based on face recognition technology, in this case the expressions on the faces of spectators. If they are not friendly and frowned, more frighteningly the object is approaching to the earth from outer space, darkening all over the black shadow, in which buildings begin to break down the, emptying the valley, burning forests. If a visitor is calm and smiling – zikkutar moves away, the disaster recedes.

Technical description:

1 video projectors
1 video camera
2 speakers
Light circle
(dark space)

Alexandra Dementieva

Alexandra Dementieva (Александра Дементьева) (born 1960, Moscow, USSR) is an artist who has been creating works of electronic, video, interactive and installation art since 1992.

Studied journalism and fine arts in Moscow (USSR) and Brussels (Belgium). Her principal interest as an artist is the use of social psychology, perception theory and behaviorism in her installations as well as the development of film narration through the point of view of a subjective camera. She has been an active participant of the CYLAND Media Art Lab since 2008. Professor at the Royal Academy of Arts (Brussels, Belgium). Dementieva received the first prize for the best monochannel video at VAD Festival (Girona, Spain). She is a participant of numerous exhibitions in major Russian and international cultural institutions, including Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia), Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art (Russia), Centro de la Imagen (Mexico City, Mexico) and others. Lives and works in Brussels, Belgium.