

 Anna Frants - Soda water

Computer technologies imbue old things with a new life. A soda fountain is transformed into a stylish multimedia device, a time machine of sorts. After inserting а real Soviet three-kopeck coin into a real Soviet soda fountain from the sixties a viewer gets, instead of a glass of apricot soda, a nostalgic video about the fact that time is a relative notion.


A Soviet soda fountain is a familiar thing to any Russian, if not from personal experience then from the movies. After inserting an obsolete 3-kopeck coin into it, the viewer might expect an effervescent drink to please the taste, but instead gets a feast for the eyes and soul: a video about the four seasons and the things past and present.

Anna Frants

Anna Frants is an internationally known media artist and curator. She graduated from Baron Stieglitz St. Petersburg Academy of Art & Industry and also studied at Pratt Institute School of Advanced Studies in New York.

Anna Frants’ interactive art installations have been exhibited at top venues across the world. Recent highlights from 2009 until the present time include exhibiting in the St. Petersburg Biennial, Moscow Biennial and Polish Biennial, Kuoseino Sato Museum of Contemporary Art (Fukuoka, Japan), The Museum of Art and Design (New York, USA), The State Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia), Chelsea Art Museum (New York, USA), RSProjects (Berlin, Germany), VAP / Gogolfest (Kiev, Ukraine) and Transmediale (Berlin, Germany) as well as participating in a 17 day expedition to The Arctic Circle with The Farm Foundation of Arts and Sciences.

Frants is represented by Borey Gallery (St. Petersburg, Russia), Dam, Stuhltrager Gallery (Brooklyn, USA & Berlin, Germany) and Barbarian Gallery (Zurich, Switzerland). Her works can be found in collections of Museum of Art and Design (New York, USA), Kolodzei Art Foundation (New York, USA), Sergey Kuryokhin Center for Modern Art (St. Petersburg, Russia) and private collections.