Egor Kraft – Unfolded

Egor Kraft


Video documentation, in­stal­la­tion, desk­top com­puter, of­fice desk, move­ment sen­sor


As the viewer ap­proaches the video in­stal­la­tion con­sist­ing of a com­puter stand­ing on a typ­i­cal of­fice desk, the screen turns on and starts play­ing the video: viewer sees com­put­er’s desk­top, with the folder called ‘the sense of ex­is­tence’, the cur­sor moves to the folder and opens it up, a new win­dow opens with an­other few fold­ers of sub-cat­e­gories… video con­tin­ues …’

A ques­tion of vi­tal im­por­tance to hu­man­ity is lost in or­dered labyrinths of vir­tual space. Each new click of the mouse takes us fur­ther from is­sues like the way the de­vel­op­ment of mass me­dia dis­tracts us from un­der­stand­ing re­al­ity. Ac­tiv­ity is trans­formed into a sit­u­a­tional spec­ta­cle, in which the choice of a par­tic­u­lar me­dia as a means of un­der­stand­ing re­places our ef­fort to per­ceive re­al­ity and the mean­ing of our ex­is­tence in that re­al­ity.