Transmission Video Art Festival invites competition entries from around the world on the theme“We Are All in this Together – A Road Map Through a Post-Truth Art World”.
Does art have anything to contribute to the post-truth, post-democracy world? Is it the time forus to start producing noise, politicizing aesthetic practices or just turn full-time towards political activism? In the era of post-truth politics, alternative facts and fake news campaigns undermining ourdemocracies, we would like to invite experimental film makers and video artists to take a standin the overwhelming ethical ambiguity of our time.
The competition is open to all forms of moving image-based artworks on a single-screen. Entries selected by our international jury of experts will be screened during the TransmissionVideo Art Festival taking place simultaneously in Karlsruhe (DE), Warsaw (PL) and Kassel (DE). You will find a short description of our event and its concept online under www.transmission-festiva
The deadline for entries is 15th of June 2017.