Upward! Community – Russia, Upward!

Upward! Community

Russia, Upward!

Mpeg4, 00:12:00, 4:3

This work was  created by Petr Zhukov and Daniil Zinchenko. Video-film about the emotional experience of a typical Russian intellectual.The protagonist of the film full of deep Russian existential metaphysics wanders in a strange suburban space in spring off-season, where the mud exposes the reality in all its ineffability, wanders among the ruins, among the garbage along the banks of the river, on the field and somewhere near the power lines. And everywhere he proclaims in the inner impulse: “Russia upward!”, “Achieve levitation in the Russian Federation”. Metaphorically, he represents a typical Russian intellectual, who is permanently trying to overcome the insurmountable existential reality surrounding him, using only the force of ideas, the impulses of the soul. As a result, the only thing he can do is to get off the ground and try to rush up into outer space calling his country with him.