Veronika Rudyeva-Ryazantseva – Declaration

Veronika Rudyeva-Ryazantseva


HD mp4 / 00:03:50  / 16:9
Video art /music video/ performance

Additional details
Music by Gaetano Donizetti, in role Elizaveta Aksagova singer from Mariinsky Theatre

Declaration” is a part of the multimedia project “Intermission”, which refers to the etalon of classical art touching upon the eternal questions: what is art, and is it alive?! Elizaveta Aksagova, a singer from the Mariinsky Theatre, in the role of the opera diva, wrings her hands to confess her love to her dying lover named Art.
The Libretto of the opera-parody by the artist goes as follows: Art, my love! You are so wonderful and glorious! Oh! Art! I love you! Why do they want to slander and smear you !? Oh, Art, art, art! Leave it in peace! People want beauty and splendour, Yea, Love and Beauty forever, Bring back love and the beauty to the people, Oh! Genuine art! Too many pesticides, flavour enhancers, semi-processed produce and concentrates ….  Horror! The End will come to the sun and the earth, but art is eternal!