AS PART OF THE CYFEST-13 International Media Art Festival (February-April 2021, St. Petersburg, Russia). Festival theme: Cosmos and Chaos.
Call open: April 12, 2020
Deadline for submission of proposals: May 20, 2020
Winners will be announced on June, 15
Curator: Victoria Ilyushkina, CYFEST Video Program & CYLAND Video Archive Curator
Today, fundamental changes are taking place on our planet, and our entire lifestyle is being re-examined. We’re seeing other forms of life existing in what feels like a parallel universe – which we used not pay such close attention to – now invade our lives. Such inalienable rights as freedom of movement, meeting friends, socializing, and saying our last farewells have suddenly become impossible. The pandemic caught us unaware. Like in Noah’s Ark, we are locked up with our families and pets, or on our own as we move towards a new technogenic life. Virtual reality has suddenly crept into our lives and is asserting its rights. Social networks are becoming the only form of contact with the outside world, with friends and family. If personal QR-codes contain all the information about a person, including biological data, then where will the boundary of state interference in our private lives be? Perhaps, this crucible of changes will change society and our everyday reality drastically, help us to shed the unnecessary and superficial things in life, and to gain a better understanding of ourselves and the people around us.
Naturally, the artist of today makes sense of our present situation, and creatively transforms a vision of the future in the time-honored paradigm of chaos-cosmos.
Prize Fund
Taking into account the realities of this complex situation for creative workers, we are announcing a competition with a prize fund. First prize — $1,000, second and third prizes — $500.
Application Process & Technical requirements
Interested artists need to complete the application form.
Applications should be submitted to competition@archive.cyland.org. In the subject line of the email, please use the following format, where the first word is your family name: jones_competition_2020
You can send up to 3 art works to the competition. The art work should be at least 1 minute long, but not more than 30-40 minutes. Creation date should not be earlier than 2018.
Application form should contain:
— link to 2 screenshots, 2 frames from the film;
— general information (name, author, length, year);
— project description (up to 150 words);
— artist’s biography (up to 100 words).
The work should be uploaded to any viewing resource (Vimeo, YouTube, artist’s website etc.)
We are interested in new digital art of all kinds, no matter what screen it is displayed on – a game device, computer, telephone, film etc. Important key words: web-based art, generative art, GIF, augmented reality, VR, AI, 3D modeling, neural network art.
Selected art works will take part in CYFEST-13 International Media Art Festival.