CYLAND Audio Archive Celebrates its Anniversary Record

For the anniversary 20th record CYLAND Audio Archive veterans recorded sophisticated one-minute tracks that include synthesized speech, sound therapy, speed variation, tape compilations and overdubs, experiments with electroacoustic effects and analogue synthesizers.

The benchmark 20th issue is designed to pave a new way for the project and create the community when the authors of the Archive yet again unite on one sound medium as they did in the exhibition projects before. Our goal is not to explore the sound art background but to choose and show the sound that is being invented at the moment.

A1 Hans Tammen — ‘The Spook Who Got Up And Left’ A2 Dmitry ::vtol:: Morozov — ‘zx5c_01’ A3 Kurvenschreiber — ‘20140806-224854’

B1 Vladislav Dobrovolski — ‘Flood Sketch’ B2 Art Electronix — ‘Egregious’ B3 Pete Um — ‘Limbo Gas’ B4 Jonas Gruska — ‘Pamatas’ B5 Yoshio Machida — ‘Untitled’

C1 Vasily Stepanov — ‘Untitled’ C2 George Bagdasarov — ‘Katari’ C3 Kuiper & Soltau — Mikrophagie III ‘Sudden Death’

D1 Mark Hannesson — ‘As if in’ D2 Akira Rabelais — ‘2646000’ D3 Todd Barton — ‘NotRab’ D4 Zimoun — ‘Surface Noise’

Curated by S. Komarov & V. Dobrovolski Lathe cut by S. Komarov Text by V. Dobrovolski Illustration by A. Khamkin