CYLAND Hosted a Talk on Digital Authorship with Ascribe

On June 19, 2015 CYLAND MediaArtLab hosted an important talk on digital authorship with Masha McConaghy at the White Hall of the Taiga Space in St. Petersburg. Masha McConaghy is one of the founders of ascribe. It is a service for artists, galleries and collectors to register, transfer and archive digital art.

ascribe Users can claim ownership and have control over their digital property. ascribe allows artwork provenance to be verified, thereby strengthening the value proposition of digital art for the art market, collectors and archives.

Digital authorship and possibilities of owning, sharing, and tracking provenance of digital work has proven to be a substantial theme of new media arts development, as we try to understand what does it actually mean to own digital work when it can get shared and copied instantly, anywhere on the Web.