The New Chelyuskinites Documentary Premiered in St. Petersburg

On July 17, 2015 CYLAND MediaArtLab premiered a film by artist Emily Newman at the White Hall of the Taiga Space in St. Petersburg. “The New Chelyuskinites”­ documents a project the artist designed and carried out in St. Petersburg in 2014 within the framework of the MANIFESTA10.

The New Chelyuskinites project was initiated in 2013 in Pittsburgh, USA, by Emily Newman in an effort to establish a connection between her Russian­-born son and the local émigré community. Pensioners and young children of the diaspora agreed to form a club. The voyage of the Chelyuskin was the first idea the group came across which excited everyone.

The club “The New Chelyuskinites” was repeated in Russia (the total volunteers approximating the number of those aboard the ship ­­104) and the epic poem, “The Chelyuskiniana,” ­­written by expedition member Ilya Selvinsky­­was adapted by the St Petersburg trio “Early Yet to Shave our Armpits.” The Armpits’ “Chelyuskiniana” was performed in honor of the 80th anniversary of the expedition’s rescue in Udelny Park, (formerly Chelyuskinites Park) in St Petersburg in August 2014.

The screening followed by an engaging discussion between the artist and the public.